Portsmouth Water amongst best in the industry for customer complaints

For year ending 31st March 2019 Portsmouth Water received 312 written complaints about the service we provide which was the second lowest within the water industry in England and Wales.

This information is set out in a report from the industry watchdog the Consumer Council for Water (CC Water), which was published today. The report shows that Portsmouth Water’s annual total of 10.3 written complaints per 10,000 connected properties is the second lowest in the industry across England and Wales. The average for the industry was 24.6 written complaints per 10,000 connected properties.

Overall, 74,689 written complaints were made to water companies across England and Wales in the year to March 2019.

Paul Barfoot, Head of Retail at Portsmouth Water, said: “Whilst accepting one complaint is a complaint too many, having the second lowest level of complaints is a very proud achievement sitting alongside the nationally recognised prestigious “ServiceMark” accreditation which we received from The Institute of Customer Service.

Our overall record sits impressively compared to the rest of the industry. We take every complaint very seriously and have a ‘complaints and compliments panel’ that reviews every complaint and compliment received ensuring that we learn the right lessons and deliver the best customer service possible.”

Bob Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, said, “Our performance is testament to our team of dedicated staff who are firmly committed to our vision of delivering service excellence to our customers. This low level of complaints is illustrative of the very high levels of service we provide and alongside Portsmouth Water’s low water charges (the lowest in England and Wales at slightly more than £100 per annum), represents excellent overall value for our customers.”

For more information contact Ian Limb, Head of Human Resources.